NooPsyche Light Shades
3D printed light shades for NooPsyche lighs.
EcoTech Light Shades
Shades for EcoTech branded lights.
Light shades & Utilities
These are various adapters, holders and anything else lighting related that is...
Filter Sock Cups
Dedicated filter sock replacement section! I still need to get the actual...
Filter Sock Holders
These are Filter sock holders for different applications.
CO2 Scrubbing Skimmer Caps
Recirculating CO2 Scrubbers that sit right on your skimmer. 3D printed skimmer cap...
Flow & Circulation
Designs for water movement related products.
Coral Care
Accessories for coral care.
Stand Organization and Utilities
Products for improving your aquarium experience and stand.
This is for the various ParlgaeScrubbers I offer. An inefficient heater These...
ParlaRoller Gravity Filters
Filters that clean the water by allowing gravity to pull it through...
Coming soon! Patent Pending! No weekly maintenance! No dealing, just growing! ...
What we do:
We offer 3D Printed, CNC-milled, hand-crafted, and creatively sourced aquarium products, custom design, and other contract services to improve our customers' experience.
We aim to provide easy to use solutions for common and specialty aquarist needs.
About us:
I am just a stay-at-home dad trying to fund my hobby and share some of the fun things I cook up. My kids are going to school more now so I have time and want to do this instead of going corporate. Please help by buying any products you find useful. Thanks! Sam
Contact us:
Once you create an account, you will be presented with an email form to contact us in your account homepage. You can also get in touch with me on Reef2Reef.com @Projects With Sam.Thanks for your patience and patronage.
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